



I am.

I suppose that's where every About page should begin. Especially since the rest of these pages are usually filled with words that society uses to describe a human being.

So to appease the masses I'll give you a few of the words that describe me.

I am a:





I've worked professionally in the creative industry since 2010, from owning my own boutique design firm through to working in sales and management for high-end companies across Ohio. I have spoken on over 50 stages and have been a guest on dozens of podcasts. I have worked with hundreds of students and clients through course work, memberships, community building, and consulting.

My work has been featured in Huffington Post along with a slew of other magazines and online media outlets.


But NONE of that matters. Actually, ALL of that is what led me to where I am today!

It led me to completely transform my life, my home, my business, and my clients.

It led me to YOU!



I didn't know where I was heading or what my goals were when I deleted over 10k subscribers and closed my community of 8k members.

I just knew that I was done wondering what was wrong with me!


I knew that to find freedom in my business I needed to fully understand myself and my needs first.

So I set out to make it all make sense. But per usual... I rushed it. I wanted answers... and I thought they were in the doing.


But the universe had a different plan! It wanted me to stop doing and start feeling.

This is when I discovered that I am a Highly Sensitive Person. And everything changed.


All of a sudden I had the information I needed to change my life. To understand why I felt the way I did.

And I set out to reset my business and reclaim my peace.


For me, that looked like pushing the power button on my entire life and business. I did absolutely nothing.

For over a year I sat in silence. Studying herbal medicine, energy healing, and high sensitivity.

I read a lot of books and did a lot of soul searching.

Through this work, I started developing practices and patterns. My family and I started implementing them in our home and in my business. We started to see and experience amazing transformations with 5 simple practices.


As I studied highly sensitive people I soon realized that the majority of my clients, students, and members were also HSPs.

90% of the clients polled did indeed identify as an HSP. This was the missing link!


Nothing was wrong with me! I was already working with my soul clients!! And I was helping them tremendously.


But now I have a better way to do that! I've developed a system that helped me go from overworked and hustled out to thriving personally and professionally as an HSP! Doing it my way!


And now I'm ready to show you how I did that! I'm ready to guide you through those 5 practices too! I'm here to help highly sensitive CEOs reset their business and reclaim their peace!


I can't wait to work with you! xo Kellie




Kellie Daab, Wedding Industry Speakers"
Kellie Daab, Wedding Industry Speakers"
Kellie Daab, Wedding Industry Speakers"
Kellie Daab, Wedding Industry Speakers"
Kellie Daab, Wedding Industry Speakers"


Kellie has been a featured thought leader on many stages and education sites in the creative industry. Here are a few of them.