A Case of the Thinks: Irony

You've Got To Be Kidding Me

Last night I learned something... I don't know... mind-blowing. Hilarious? Validating?

Well in any case... the situation is highly ironic.


For the sake of brevity, I'll skip all the who and what details and just shorten it by saying... I had a fallout with someone I loved dearly.

The core issue of the disagreement hinged on my intuition that there was an imbalance in intentions. It was twisty... no one's perfect.


(I know I'm doing that vague social media post thing... but honestly... the business isn't mine to share... the lesson (for me) is.)


By noticing this misalignment in desires - I was well... let's go for the most dramatic word and say... BANISHED.


It's taken me a long time to get over this. It was a special relationship to me. And I'm a highly sensitive person!


These last 3-4 months I was finally feeling really free from the sadness and disillusionment I'd felt.


When... wouldn't you know it. My earlier prediction... the one that got me banished... happened. 


This is kinda a big deal. Mostly because my prediction was life-altering and it was so adamantly opposed. (Hence banishment).


And here it is... my prediction coming true after all!


So... I have a little Slytherin in me.


All I could do was find myself laughing all alone in my house... at the IRONY of the situation.


Everything in me wanted to shout in the pettiest way... I TOLD YOU SO!  I may have even googled "I told you so" gifts to send.


Don't worry I didn't choose violence.


As I released years of pent-up anger, frustration, and confusion in this maniacal laughter... I realized something really important.


I always thought that in order to heal my wounds there would need to be an amicable resolution. An apology even. It would still result in the parting of ways but at least everything was said and it could be put to rest.


In the meantime, I chose to continue to grow around the pain. Releasing and forgiving when it resurfaced.


But in that ironic and completely insane moment last night... I knew that what I was actually receiving was closure!


I was right. I had been right all along.


There was nothing wrong with me or my intuition. I wasn't a bad person who deserved to be banished.


What I saw was the universe telling me it had my back. Time reveals all.


So in that wild fit of laughter last night... I found the closure I had been seeking.


It didn't look at all like the apology I'd been hoping for. I wasn't even told directly that my predictions had come true.


But at that moment I saw that all of the pain and hurt I'd carried with me all of this time was pointless.


It all existed for me... to learn how to heal and prioritize myself. To learn what was important. To be sure that the people I cared about also love and trust me in return.


The pain... was for my own good.


And I let it go with one giant belly laugh.


Ponder This

Is there an equal amount of healing in irony as forgiveness?

I mean how is it that I found such sweet closure in such an ironic and unusual situation?


When will (I) we learn that the universe doesn't always show up in the way we want it to?

Sometimes it shows up in the most unusual and perfect ways... when we're least expecting it.


How can I laugh more when facing hurtful and tough situations?

How can I not let myself process pain for so long when the universe is taking care of it?


These are what I'm pondering today after this hilariously ironic realization!